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Offa launches ultra-quick buy-to-let Islamic finance for British expats – PRWire



Offa launches ultra-quick buy-to-let Islamic finance for British expats

  • Modern, paperless service disrupts traditional British Islamic finance 
  • Attractive investment proposition for UAE-based Britons, family offices or other investors with a preference for bricks and mortar as a halal place to invest, with demand outstripping supply in the UK.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11 July 2024 – Offa, the UK’s first Shari’ah-compliant bridge finance fintech, has today launched an innovative new buy-to-let finance (BTL) service providing fast funding decisions for British expats, delivered via a modern paperless process.

Powered by next-generation technological innovation, Offa’s BTL service replaces legacy  finance systems with its flexible and ethical Islamic property finance solutions, and end-to-end digital processes making it fast and easy for expats to apply and get a quick decision.

These Islamic BTL products are available to new and seasoned British landlords living in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Australia, the European Union, Canada, Singapore and Brunei.

Sagheer Malik, Offa’s Chief Commercial Officer and MD of Retail Finance, said: “I have met many British expats who need Islamic buy-to-let finance, but who struggle to cope with the onerous paperwork and old-style systems that they typically face. Our modern, ultra-fast, paperless buy-to-let finance solves that problem.

“With our team’s decades of industry experience and a streamlined digital application process, we are bringing 21st century Shari’ah-compliant BTL finance to our customers.”

UAE-based Gulf Islamic Investments group (GII), a leading Shari’ah-compliant global alternative investment company with over $4.5 billion of assets under management, took a majority stake in Offa in mid-2022. 

GII’s co-Founders and co-CEOs, Mohammed Alhassan and Pankaj Gupta, said: “This latest market innovation from Offa brings additional investment opportunities in UK property to Britons resident across the Arabian Gulf and further afield. We applaud Offa’s initiatives to attract further expatriate capital to the UK’s vibrant property market as an exciting alternative asset management strategy.”

Instead of using interest, Offa follows the Islamic finance principles of co-ownership-with-leasing. Customers acquire the property in partnership with Offa and make monthly payments to increase their share, over time owning it.

Another key feature of Offa’s BTL product is that where a customer’s rental income is not sufficient for the required affordability criteria for the BTL finance, Offa allows them to make up the difference with their personal monthly income (commonly known in the industry as top-slicing).

The service is available to anyone purchasing property in England and Wales aged 21 or over, either under their personal name or as a limited company, and where the property’s value is between £60,000 and £1 million. First-time landlords can also apply, and Offa’s BTL solutions are also available for houses in multiple occupancy (HMOs).

Offa provides an ethical finance model designed in accordance with Islamic finance principles, which means not charging interest and investment into sectors deemed harmful to society – such as alcohol, tobacco, and the arms trade.

In April, Offa announced a £100 million credit line for its bridge finance arm from a fund managed by GII. The credit line is the largest of its kind outside of the Gulf, creating significant capacity for the Birmingham-headquartered business to expand and diversify its financial propositions in the UK property market.

About Offa, offa.co.uk

Founded in 2019, Offa is the UK’s first bridge finance provider operating in accordance with Islamic finance principles. Faith is at the core of Offa’s vision, brand and service, enabling British Muslim property investors and others seeking ethical capital to access Sharia-compliant finance and realise their potential as they move up the property ladder. Offa’s experienced senior team are among the leading names in UK Islamic finance, bringing innovation to the market by creating a faster, smarter, and easier service through direct and broker channels to meet this large and previously unfulfilled demand. Gulf Islamic Investments took a majority stake in the Birmingham-headquartered company in 2022. 

Media Enquiries

For more information about this story, Islamic finance, or OFFA, please contact:

Damien Fletcher
+44 7413 141 160

Offa launches ultra-quick buy-to-let Islamic finance for British expats – PRWire



Offa launches ultra-quick buy-to-let Islamic finance for British expats

  • Modern, paperless service disrupts traditional British Islamic finance 
  • Attractive investment proposition for UAE-based Britons, family offices or other investors with a preference for bricks and mortar as a halal place to invest, with demand outstripping supply in the UK.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11 July 2024 – Offa, the UK’s first Shari’ah-compliant bridge finance fintech, has today launched an innovative new buy-to-let finance (BTL) service providing fast funding decisions for British expats, delivered via a modern paperless process.

Powered by next-generation technological innovation, Offa’s BTL service replaces legacy  finance systems with its flexible and ethical Islamic property finance solutions, and end-to-end digital processes making it fast and easy for expats to apply and get a quick decision.

These Islamic BTL products are available to new and seasoned British landlords living in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Australia, the European Union, Canada, Singapore and Brunei.

Sagheer Malik, Offa’s Chief Commercial Officer and MD of Retail Finance, said: “I have met many British expats who need Islamic buy-to-let finance, but who struggle to cope with the onerous paperwork and old-style systems that they typically face. Our modern, ultra-fast, paperless buy-to-let finance solves that problem.

“With our team’s decades of industry experience and a streamlined digital application process, we are bringing 21st century Shari’ah-compliant BTL finance to our customers.”

UAE-based Gulf Islamic Investments group (GII), a leading Shari’ah-compliant global alternative investment company with over $4.5 billion of assets under management, took a majority stake in Offa in mid-2022. 

GII’s co-Founders and co-CEOs, Mohammed Alhassan and Pankaj Gupta, said: “This latest market innovation from Offa brings additional investment opportunities in UK property to Britons resident across the Arabian Gulf and further afield. We applaud Offa’s initiatives to attract further expatriate capital to the UK’s vibrant property market as an exciting alternative asset management strategy.”

Instead of using interest, Offa follows the Islamic finance principles of co-ownership-with-leasing. Customers acquire the property in partnership with Offa and make monthly payments to increase their share, over time owning it.

Another key feature of Offa’s BTL product is that where a customer’s rental income is not sufficient for the required affordability criteria for the BTL finance, Offa allows them to make up the difference with their personal monthly income (commonly known in the industry as top-slicing).

The service is available to anyone purchasing property in England and Wales aged 21 or over, either under their personal name or as a limited company, and where the property’s value is between £60,000 and £1 million. First-time landlords can also apply, and Offa’s BTL solutions are also available for houses in multiple occupancy (HMOs).

Offa provides an ethical finance model designed in accordance with Islamic finance principles, which means not charging interest and investment into sectors deemed harmful to society – such as alcohol, tobacco, and the arms trade.

In April, Offa announced a £100 million credit line for its bridge finance arm from a fund managed by GII. The credit line is the largest of its kind outside of the Gulf, creating significant capacity for the Birmingham-headquartered business to expand and diversify its financial propositions in the UK property market.

About Offa, offa.co.uk

Founded in 2019, Offa is the UK’s first bridge finance provider operating in accordance with Islamic finance principles. Faith is at the core of Offa’s vision, brand and service, enabling British Muslim property investors and others seeking ethical capital to access Sharia-compliant finance and realise their potential as they move up the property ladder. Offa’s experienced senior team are among the leading names in UK Islamic finance, bringing innovation to the market by creating a faster, smarter, and easier service through direct and broker channels to meet this large and previously unfulfilled demand. Gulf Islamic Investments took a majority stake in the Birmingham-headquartered company in 2022. 

Media Enquiries

For more information about this story, Islamic finance, or OFFA, please contact:

Damien Fletcher
+44 7413 141 160

Découvrez l’auteur Alain Couture – PRWire



Découvrez les romans de l’auteur Alain Couture

Alain Couture, un enseignant à la retraite ayant consacré plus de trente-cinq ans à l’éducation, est désormais auteur de romans passionnants qui mêlent réalité et imaginaire. Avec une carrière riche en expériences humaines, Alain partage maintenant ses histoires captivantes à travers ses ouvrages littéraires.

À propos de l’auteur

Alain Couture a passé plus de trois décennies dans le domaine de l’éducation, enseignant à tous les niveaux, du préscolaire à l’éducation des adultes. Fort de cette expérience humaine riche et diversifiée, il se consacre maintenant à l’écriture de romans. Alain puise dans son vécu pour créer des récits uniques et immersifs, où le réel et l’imaginaire se rencontrent. Sa passion pour l’écriture et l’informatique se reflète dans ses œuvres, offrant aux lecteurs des univers à la fois familiers et extraordinaires.

La Trilogie – Les Héritiers Dumont

Cette série de romans explore les thèmes de la reconstruction, de l’héritage et de la quête personnelle à travers trois générations d’une même famille.

Tome 1 : Équinoxe – Le jour de l’appel

Jacques Dumont, un entrepreneur prospère, voit sa vie basculer lors d’un dîner d’affaires dramatique. Contraint de rebâtir sa vie, il traverse des épreuves qui le transforment profondément. Cependant, juste au moment où il semble avoir repris le contrôle, un nouveau drame survient, laissant le lecteur en haleine.

Tome 2 : L’héritage de Jonathan

Après la mort tragique de son père, Jonathan découvre une série d’énigmes laissées par ce dernier. Dix ans après leur dernier contact, il entame une quête pour déchiffrer ce mystérieux héritage, découvrant des vérités bouleversantes et des défis inattendus.

Tome 3 : La saga de l’enfant prodigue

Ce roman sera publié avant la fin de cette année. Il raconte l’histoire de Jérémie, adolescent rebelle, décidé à quitter sa famille chrétienne pour vivre ses propres expériences. Sa quête de liberté le confronte à des défis imprévus qui le ramènent finalement vers des chemins qu’il s’était juré d’éviter. Une rencontre inattendue bouleverse ses plans et change sa vie.

Avis des lecteurs

Les romans d’Alain Couture ont été salués pour leur écriture fluide, leurs intrigues bien recherchées et leurs thèmes touchants tels que la famille, le deuil, le pardon et la rédemption.

“J’ai passé un bon moment en lisant ce livre! Dès le départ, j’ai été convaincue par la plume. On sent que l’auteur a beaucoup travaillé sur son roman, et cela se ressent dans son écriture qui est à la fois fluide et belle, sans pour autant chercher à en faire trop.”   – Chroniqueuse littéraire sur Instagram

Invitation aux journalistes

Alain Couture invite les journalistes et les critiques littéraires à découvrir son univers en visitant son site web et en demandant des exemplaires de ses romans pour une éventuelle chronique. Ses œuvres sont disponibles pour une revue approfondie, et il serait ravi de fournir des copies sur demande.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour demander des exemplaires de ses livres, veuillez contacter

Alain Couture


Découvrez l’auteur Alain Couture – PRWire



Découvrez les romans de l’auteur Alain Couture

Alain Couture, un enseignant à la retraite ayant consacré plus de trente-cinq ans à l’éducation, est désormais auteur de romans passionnants qui mêlent réalité et imaginaire. Avec une carrière riche en expériences humaines, Alain partage maintenant ses histoires captivantes à travers ses ouvrages littéraires.

À propos de l’auteur

Alain Couture a passé plus de trois décennies dans le domaine de l’éducation, enseignant à tous les niveaux, du préscolaire à l’éducation des adultes. Fort de cette expérience humaine riche et diversifiée, il se consacre maintenant à l’écriture de romans. Alain puise dans son vécu pour créer des récits uniques et immersifs, où le réel et l’imaginaire se rencontrent. Sa passion pour l’écriture et l’informatique se reflète dans ses œuvres, offrant aux lecteurs des univers à la fois familiers et extraordinaires.

La Trilogie – Les Héritiers Dumont

Cette série de romans explore les thèmes de la reconstruction, de l’héritage et de la quête personnelle à travers trois générations d’une même famille.

Tome 1 : Équinoxe – Le jour de l’appel

Jacques Dumont, un entrepreneur prospère, voit sa vie basculer lors d’un dîner d’affaires dramatique. Contraint de rebâtir sa vie, il traverse des épreuves qui le transforment profondément. Cependant, juste au moment où il semble avoir repris le contrôle, un nouveau drame survient, laissant le lecteur en haleine.

Tome 2 : L’héritage de Jonathan

Après la mort tragique de son père, Jonathan découvre une série d’énigmes laissées par ce dernier. Dix ans après leur dernier contact, il entame une quête pour déchiffrer ce mystérieux héritage, découvrant des vérités bouleversantes et des défis inattendus.

Tome 3 : La saga de l’enfant prodigue

Ce roman sera publié avant la fin de cette année. Il raconte l’histoire de Jérémie, adolescent rebelle, décidé à quitter sa famille chrétienne pour vivre ses propres expériences. Sa quête de liberté le confronte à des défis imprévus qui le ramènent finalement vers des chemins qu’il s’était juré d’éviter. Une rencontre inattendue bouleverse ses plans et change sa vie.

Avis des lecteurs

Les romans d’Alain Couture ont été salués pour leur écriture fluide, leurs intrigues bien recherchées et leurs thèmes touchants tels que la famille, le deuil, le pardon et la rédemption.

“J’ai passé un bon moment en lisant ce livre! Dès le départ, j’ai été convaincue par la plume. On sent que l’auteur a beaucoup travaillé sur son roman, et cela se ressent dans son écriture qui est à la fois fluide et belle, sans pour autant chercher à en faire trop.”   – Chroniqueuse littéraire sur Instagram

Invitation aux journalistes

Alain Couture invite les journalistes et les critiques littéraires à découvrir son univers en visitant son site web et en demandant des exemplaires de ses romans pour une éventuelle chronique. Ses œuvres sont disponibles pour une revue approfondie, et il serait ravi de fournir des copies sur demande.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour demander des exemplaires de ses livres, veuillez contacter

Alain Couture


Discover the Novels of Alain Couture – PRWire



Discover the Novels of Author Alain Couture

Alain Couture, a retired teacher who dedicated more than thirty-five years to education, is now an author of captivating novels that blend reality and imagination. With a career rich in human experiences, Alain now shares his engaging stories through his literary works.

About the Author

Alain Couture spent over three decades in the field of education, teaching at all levels, from preschool to adult education. With this rich and diverse human experience, he now devotes himself to writing novels. Alain draws from his life to create unique and immersive stories where the real and the imaginary meet. His passion for writing and computers is reflected in his works, offering readers worlds that are both familiar and extraordinary.

The Trilogy – The Dumont Heirs

This series of novels explores the themes of rebuilding, heritage, and personal quest through three generations of the same family.

Volume 1: Equinox – The Day of the Call

Jacques Dumont, a successful entrepreneur, sees his life turned upside down during a dramatic business dinner. Forced to rebuild his life, he goes through trials that profoundly transform him. However, just when he seems to have regained control, a new drama occurs, leaving the reader breathless.

Volume 2: Jonathan’s Legacy

After his father’s tragic death, Jonathan discovers a series of puzzles left by him. Ten years after their last contact, he embarks on a quest to decipher this mysterious legacy, uncovering shocking truths and unexpected challenges.

Volume 3: The Saga of the Prodigal Son

This novel will be published before the end of this year. It tells the story of Jérémie, a rebellious teenager, determined to leave his Christian family to live his own experiences. His quest for freedom confronts him with unforeseen challenges that ultimately lead him back to paths he had sworn to avoid. An unexpected encounter disrupts his plans and changes his life.

Reader Reviews

Alain Couture’s novels have been praised for their smooth writing, well-researched plots, and touching themes such as family, grief, forgiveness, and redemption.

“I had a great time reading this book! From the start, I was convinced by the writing. You can tell the author put a lot of work into his novel, and it shows in his writing, which is both fluid and beautiful, without trying to do too much.” – Literary Blogger on Instagram

Alain Couture invites journalists and literary critics to discover his universe by visiting his website and requesting copies of his novels for potential review. His works are available for an in-depth review, and he would be delighted to provide copies upon request.

For more information or to request copies of his books, please contact:

Alain Couture


Discover the Novels of Alain Couture – PRWire



Discover the Novels of Author Alain Couture

Alain Couture, a retired teacher who dedicated more than thirty-five years to education, is now an author of captivating novels that blend reality and imagination. With a career rich in human experiences, Alain now shares his engaging stories through his literary works.

About the Author

Alain Couture spent over three decades in the field of education, teaching at all levels, from preschool to adult education. With this rich and diverse human experience, he now devotes himself to writing novels. Alain draws from his life to create unique and immersive stories where the real and the imaginary meet. His passion for writing and computers is reflected in his works, offering readers worlds that are both familiar and extraordinary.

The Trilogy – The Dumont Heirs

This series of novels explores the themes of rebuilding, heritage, and personal quest through three generations of the same family.

Volume 1: Equinox – The Day of the Call

Jacques Dumont, a successful entrepreneur, sees his life turned upside down during a dramatic business dinner. Forced to rebuild his life, he goes through trials that profoundly transform him. However, just when he seems to have regained control, a new drama occurs, leaving the reader breathless.

Volume 2: Jonathan’s Legacy

After his father’s tragic death, Jonathan discovers a series of puzzles left by him. Ten years after their last contact, he embarks on a quest to decipher this mysterious legacy, uncovering shocking truths and unexpected challenges.

Volume 3: The Saga of the Prodigal Son

This novel will be published before the end of this year. It tells the story of Jérémie, a rebellious teenager, determined to leave his Christian family to live his own experiences. His quest for freedom confronts him with unforeseen challenges that ultimately lead him back to paths he had sworn to avoid. An unexpected encounter disrupts his plans and changes his life.

Reader Reviews

Alain Couture’s novels have been praised for their smooth writing, well-researched plots, and touching themes such as family, grief, forgiveness, and redemption.

“I had a great time reading this book! From the start, I was convinced by the writing. You can tell the author put a lot of work into his novel, and it shows in his writing, which is both fluid and beautiful, without trying to do too much.” – Literary Blogger on Instagram

Alain Couture invites journalists and literary critics to discover his universe by visiting his website and requesting copies of his novels for potential review. His works are available for an in-depth review, and he would be delighted to provide copies upon request.

For more information or to request copies of his books, please contact:

Alain Couture


À la découverte des romans d’Alain Couture – PRWire




Découvrez les romans de l’auteur Alain Couture

Alain Couture, un enseignant à la retraite ayant consacré plus de trente-cinq ans à l’éducation, est désormais auteur de romans passionnants qui mêlent réalité et imaginaire. Avec une carrière riche en expériences humaines, Alain partage maintenant ses histoires captivantes à travers ses ouvrages littéraires.

À propos de l’auteur

Alain Couture a passé plus de trois décennies dans le domaine de l’éducation, enseignant à tous les niveaux, du préscolaire à l’éducation des adultes. Fort de cette expérience humaine riche et diversifiée, il se consacre maintenant à l’écriture de romans. Alain puise dans son vécu pour créer des récits uniques et immersifs, où le réel et l’imaginaire se rencontrent. Sa passion pour l’écriture et l’informatique se reflète dans ses œuvres, offrant aux lecteurs des univers à la fois familiers et extraordinaires.

La Trilogie – Les Héritiers Dumont

Cette série de romans explore les thèmes de la reconstruction, de l’héritage et de la quête personnelle à travers trois générations d’une même famille.

Tome 1 : Équinoxe – Le jour de l’appel

Jacques Dumont, un entrepreneur prospère, voit sa vie basculer lors d’un dîner d’affaires dramatique. Contraint de rebâtir sa vie, il traverse des épreuves qui le transforment profondément. Cependant, juste au moment où il semble avoir repris le contrôle, un nouveau drame survient, laissant le lecteur en haleine.

Tome 2 : L’héritage de Jonathan

Après la mort tragique de son père, Jonathan découvre une série d’énigmes laissées par ce dernier. Dix ans après leur dernier contact, il entame une quête pour déchiffrer ce mystérieux héritage, découvrant des vérités bouleversantes et des défis inattendus.

Tome 3 : La saga de l’enfant prodigue

Ce roman sera publié avant la fin de cette année. Il raconte l’histoire de Jérémie, adolescent rebelle, décidé à quitter sa famille chrétienne pour vivre ses propres expériences. Sa quête de liberté le confronte à des défis imprévus qui le ramènent finalement vers des chemins qu’il s’était juré d’éviter. Une rencontre inattendue bouleverse ses plans et change sa vie.

Avis des lecteurs

Les romans d’Alain Couture ont été salués pour leur écriture fluide, leurs intrigues bien recherchées et leurs thèmes touchants tels que la famille, le deuil, le pardon et la rédemption.

“J’ai passé un bon moment en lisant ce livre! Dès le départ, j’ai été convaincue par la plume. On sent que l’auteur a beaucoup travaillé sur son roman, et cela se ressent dans son écriture qui est à la fois fluide et belle, sans pour autant chercher à en faire trop.”   – Chroniqueuse littéraire sur Instagram

Alain Couture invite les journalistes et les critiques littéraires à découvrir son univers en visitant son site web et en demandant des exemplaires de ses romans pour une éventuelle chronique. Ses œuvres sont disponibles pour une revue approfondie, et il serait ravi de fournir des copies sur demande.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour demander des exemplaires de ses livres, veuillez contacter

Alain Couture


Alaska Air Group Flight Attendants Set to Receive 32% Pay Increase in Record Contract – PRWire



Alaska Air Group Inc. is making headlines with a groundbreaking agreement set to increase unionized flight attendants’ pay by an average of 32%. This substantial pay raise is part of a new “record contract” announced by the Association of Flight Attendants Alaska late Tuesday, highlighting a series of improved remuneration and conditions, including approximately 21 months of retroactive pay.

This tentative three-year agreement is a strategic move for Alaska Air Group, as it avoids a potentially costly conflict with workers right before the peak summer travel season. This deal, which still requires ratification by the full membership with voting set to conclude on August 14, could influence larger competitors like American Airlines Group Inc. and United Airlines Holdings Inc., whose unions may now seek similar substantial increases.

Alaska Air Group’s significant pay raise mirrors recent industry trends, such as Southwest Airlines Co.’s new four-year agreement with its cabin crew finalized in April. Southwest’s deal features an initial 22.3% pay rise, followed by annual increases of 3%, and includes $364 million in retroactive pay, amounting to a total contract value of $6.3 billion.

As Alaska Air Group’s flight attendants gear up to vote on this transformative deal, the airline industry is keenly watching, anticipating a ripple effect that could shape future labor negotiations across major US carriers. With unions advocating fiercely for their members, flight attendants nationwide are on the verge of substantial gains.

Alaska Air Group Flight Attendants Set to Receive 32% Pay Increase in Record Contract – PRWire



Alaska Air Group Inc. is making headlines with a groundbreaking agreement set to increase unionized flight attendants’ pay by an average of 32%. This substantial pay raise is part of a new “record contract” announced by the Association of Flight Attendants Alaska late Tuesday, highlighting a series of improved remuneration and conditions, including approximately 21 months of retroactive pay.

This tentative three-year agreement is a strategic move for Alaska Air Group, as it avoids a potentially costly conflict with workers right before the peak summer travel season. This deal, which still requires ratification by the full membership with voting set to conclude on August 14, could influence larger competitors like American Airlines Group Inc. and United Airlines Holdings Inc., whose unions may now seek similar substantial increases.

Alaska Air Group’s significant pay raise mirrors recent industry trends, such as Southwest Airlines Co.’s new four-year agreement with its cabin crew finalized in April. Southwest’s deal features an initial 22.3% pay rise, followed by annual increases of 3%, and includes $364 million in retroactive pay, amounting to a total contract value of $6.3 billion.

As Alaska Air Group’s flight attendants gear up to vote on this transformative deal, the airline industry is keenly watching, anticipating a ripple effect that could shape future labor negotiations across major US carriers. With unions advocating fiercely for their members, flight attendants nationwide are on the verge of substantial gains.

Top Healthtech Startup Trends: Mental Health, AI, and Telehealth Innovations – PRWire



Healthtech Trends: Innovations in Mental Health, AI, and Telehealth

The healthtech sector is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by technological advancements and an increasing demand for accessible, high-quality healthcare. Here are some key insights into the current trends shaping healthtech startups:

Rise of Mental Health Startups

Mental health-focused startups are at the forefront of addressing the growing need for innovative and accessible mental healthcare solutions. This trend is fueled by a heightened awareness of mental health issues and the demand for personalized care. Notable examples include:

  • Wondermed: This startup offers at-home ketamine treatments for anxiety and depression, boasting a 92% positive patient response rate. Wondermed’s approach combines cutting-edge treatment with the convenience of at-home care, making it a standout in the mental health space. The service includes a comprehensive support system with virtual consultations and ongoing monitoring to ensure safety and effectiveness, providing a holistic approach to mental health treatment. Wondermed’s innovative approach reduces the stigma and logistical barriers associated with traditional mental health treatments, making it easier for patients to seek and receive help.
  • FOLX Health: Serving minority communities, FOLX Health provides telehealth services tailored to often underserved populations. With 78% of their patients reporting difficulty in finding inclusive care previously, FOLX Health is filling a critical gap in the healthcare system. They offer hormone replacement therapy, sexual health services, and general medical care with a focus on culturally competent and empathetic care. Their innovative subscription model provides affordable and accessible healthcare options, breaking down financial barriers to quality care. By creating a platform that is both inclusive and comprehensive, FOLX Health is setting a new standard for patient care in the digital age.

Musculoskeletal and Physical Therapy Innovations

Startups are disrupting the musculoskeletal and physical therapy space by leveraging advanced technology to enhance patient care and outcomes. These innovations are making therapy more accessible and effective:

  • Hinge Health: Offering at-home physical therapy services through wearable devices and virtual care, Hinge Health has raised over $1 billion in funding. Their comprehensive approach includes personalized exercise plans, real-time feedback, and virtual consultations, revolutionizing the way physical therapy is delivered. The platform uses wearable sensors to monitor patient movements and provide instant feedback, ensuring exercises are performed correctly and safely. This combination of technology and human oversight helps patients recover faster and more effectively from musculoskeletal conditions. Additionally, Hinge Health’s data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement of their therapy programs, adapting to the unique needs of each patient.

AI and Data-Driven Healthtech

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics are transforming healthtech by accelerating drug discovery, optimizing clinical trials, and personalizing medicine. Startups in this domain are leveraging AI to bring significant advancements:

  • Insitro: Using AI and machine learning to accelerate drug development, Insitro has raised $743 million in funding. Their platform integrates biological data with AI to predict drug efficacy and streamline the development process. By analyzing vast datasets, Insitro can identify potential drug candidates more quickly and accurately, reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market. Their AI models also help in understanding disease mechanisms and patient responses, paving the way for more targeted and effective treatments. Insitro’s approach not only accelerates the drug development pipeline but also increases the likelihood of clinical success, ultimately benefiting patients.
  • Tempus: This startup applies AI to clinical data to improve cancer treatment outcomes. With over $500 million in funding, Tempus is building a comprehensive database that supports personalized cancer therapy through advanced analytics and machine learning. Tempus collects and analyzes clinical and molecular data from cancer patients, enabling oncologists to make more informed treatment decisions. Their platform offers insights into patient-specific treatment responses and potential clinical trial opportunities, contributing to more personalized and effective cancer care. Tempus’s integration of AI and big data analytics represents a significant leap forward in the fight against cancer, providing new hope for patients and healthcare providers alike.

Telehealth and Virtual Care Expansion

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the adoption of telehealth, leading to the rapid growth of startups focused on virtual care. These companies are redefining how healthcare is delivered:

  • Carbon Health: A mobile-based network connecting patients and providers, Carbon Health aims to open 1,500 clinics by 2025. Their platform offers seamless integration of in-person and virtual care, providing patients with flexible and comprehensive healthcare options. Carbon Health’s app allows for easy appointment scheduling, telemedicine consultations, and access to medical records, enhancing patient convenience and care continuity. Their hybrid model ensures that patients can receive the care they need, whether it’s through a virtual visit or an in-person consultation. By leveraging technology, Carbon Health is making high-quality healthcare more accessible to a broader population.
  • Medable: Enabling decentralized and hybrid clinical trials across 60 countries, Medable’s cloud-based platform is making clinical research more accessible and efficient. Their technology supports remote patient monitoring and data collection, enhancing the scope and scale of clinical trials globally. By leveraging digital tools, Medable reduces the logistical and geographical barriers to trial participation, making it easier for diverse populations to engage in research. Their platform also streamlines trial management and data analysis, accelerating the development of new treatments and therapies. Medable’s innovative approach is transforming clinical research, making it more inclusive and effective.


These trends highlight how healthtech startups are leveraging technology to address critical gaps in the healthcare system and improve patient outcomes. From mental health and physical therapy innovations to AI-driven drug development and the expansion of telehealth, startups are driving significant advancements in healthcare. By focusing on these emerging trends, healthtech startups are not only meeting current healthcare challenges but also paving the way for a more efficient, inclusive, and effective healthcare future.

Stay ahead in the dynamic healthtech landscape by keeping an eye on these groundbreaking trends and the startups leading the charge.


[1] Lightit
[2] Octopus Ventures
[3] Exploding Topics
[4] LinkedIn
[5] Uptech