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MONROVIA – The head of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Liberia office, Dale Gbotoe has disclosed that all is now set for the commencement of the 2022 edition of the West African Senior Schools Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

Gbotoe added that this year’s exams will be administered in four categories, including 12th grade that will be writing the WASSCE, the ninth grade for the Liberia Junior High School Certificate, and the sixth grade for the Liberia Primary School Certificate, and another for the third grade.

Speaking at the regular press briefing of the Ministry of Information on Capitol Hill at the weekend, the Liberia WAEC boss stated that this year’s National Examination will begin with the 12 graders on May 31 and ends on June 17, followed by the Ninth graders on June 22, ending June 23, while the Sixth graders will commence on June 20 and end on June 21 and the third graders will be at a date yet to be determined.

Gbotoe also thanked the government of Liberia for paying the WASSCE fees for 12th graders and also for public school students in the Ninth grade across the country.

Amidst the readiness of the National Exams for the student populace across the country, the head of WAEC also stressed the omission of some students recently within Montserrado County and the bad road conditions in reaching some parts of the country.

Gbotoe gave the breakdown of this year’s National Examination with 12th grade consisting of 334 centers, 809 schools, and 44,793 candidates, Ninth grade comprising 39,252 candidates and 1695 schools, while Sixth grade includes 332 centers, 2,444 schools, and 34,970 candidates and Third grade is 476 centers 21,455 candidates across the country.

The West African Examinations Council-(WAEC), a regional examining body, with its headquarters in Accra, Ghana, was established in 1952 after the Governments of Ghana (then Gold Coast), Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia enacted the West African Examinations Council Ordinances in 1951.

Liberia became the fifth member of the Council in 1974.

After about 14 years of a civil war, Liberia reactivated its membership and began taking the exams again.

Sometime in 2016, the Ministry of Education and the national WAEC office piloted administering the West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), an upgrade from the previous WAEC exam, now taken by sister countries. Source: LINA

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