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HomeNewsUhuru to receive visiting Sierra Leone counterpart Monday

Uhuru to receive visiting Sierra Leone counterpart Monday

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday will receive Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio and his delegation at State House, Nairobi.

According to State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena, President Julius Maada will also be the Chief Guest during Madaraka day celebrations.

“As part of his itinerary in Kenya, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio will be the Chief Guest at this year’s Madaraka Day national celebrations at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi City County,” she said.

President Julius Maada and his delegation arrived in the country Saturday night ahead of his five-day State visit.

He was received by Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amb Raychelle Omamo and is expected to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta for bilateral talks.

During his visit, seven MOUs aimed at further enhancing relations will be signed.

The Sierra Leone Head of State later presided over the International Day of UN Peacekeepers held at the International Peace Support Centre in Embakasi, Nairobi County.

The International Day of UN Peacekeepers is celebrated annually across the world in honour of the men and women deployed in peacekeeping operations for their invaluable contribution in bringing peace to the world.