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HomeNewsUAE workers demand more flexibility, survey shows

UAE workers demand more flexibility, survey shows

Friday, May 20th, 2022 2:53pm

By ARN News Staff


Over two thirds of workers would consider quitting their job if they aren’t offered more flexibility, a new survey has found.

The study from LinkedIn has revealed a huge shift in the outlook of workers following changes to work patterns forced on many of us by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Najat Abdelhadi, Head of Communications, Growth Markets EMEA at LinkedIn discussed the survey’s findings on Dubai Eye 103.8’s Business Breakfast.

She said many employees in the UAE embraced working from home during Covid and would like more flexibility now that the UAE is returning to normality.

The survey highlighted that workers are looking at what their job offers in terms of work-life balance and other benefits apart from simply the salary. Abdelhadi said employers are finding it more difficult to keep hold of their worker.

The Head of Communications at LinkedIn added that workers are in a strong position when it comes to seeking new opportunities.