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HomeNewsUAE, Egypt, Jordan sign financial cooperation MoU

UAE, Egypt, Jordan sign financial cooperation MoU


The UAE, Egypt and Jordan have signed a preliminary agreement to enhance financial and banking cooperation.

The MoU followed a meeting of the governors of the three countries’ central banks in Abu Dhabi on June 7.

The governors discussed opportunities for collaborative expansion in the supervision of licensed financial institutions, information and expertise exchange, benefiting from joint experiences in the Fintech sector, the development of payment systems and technical skills for specialised employees, as well as technical assistance in the financial sector.

It follows the announcement, in late May, of the Industrial partnership for Sustainable Economic Growth between the three countries.

The governors noted the partnership reflects a new phase of enhancing financial relations and contributes to achieving sustainable economic growth in the three countries. They confirmed their commitment to deepen co-operation in the financial sector to make this partnership successful, and to achieve its objectives.

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