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HomeNewsThe sixth session of the UAE-African Conference begins on November 1, 2023...

The sixth session of the UAE-African Conference begins on November 1, 2023 in Dubai UAE

The sixth session of the UAE-African Conference begins on November 1, 2023 in Dubai United Arab Emirates Dubai

Under the patronage and presence of Sheikh Sultan bin Salem Al Qasimi, the sixth session of the Emirati-African Conference will be held at the Carlton Tower Hotel in Dubai. The conference aims to attract mutual investments between the UAE on the one hand and African countries on the other hand.

This session of the conference witnesses the participation of many African countries, including: Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Congo, Togo, Ghana, and others.

Linda Benalal, owner of LBM, the organizer of the conference, said: “LBM was established for project management services in partnership with STAR GROUP INTER (Ivory Coast) and several years ago it visited different African countries to create new investment opportunities between those countries on the one hand and the United Arab Emirates on the other hand.”This session of the conference witnesses the participation of many African countries, including: Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Congo, Togo, Ghana, and others.

Linda Benalal, owner of LBM, the organizer of the conference, said: “LBM was established for project management services in partnership with STAR GROUP INTER (Ivory Coast) and several years ago it visited different African countries to create new investment opportunities between those countries on the one hand and the United Arab Emirates on the other hand.” The company seeks to enhance cooperation with executives in African countries, companies, local communities, and non-governmental organizations, and to strengthen Emirati-African economic relations by creating investment opportunities and building bridges of cooperation in various economic, educational, medical, technological, and other fields.

Linda adds: Through our event, the Africa-UAE Conference, we bring together many development actors from different sectors and countries on the same stage to exchange experiences and ideas.

The Gigit Group, as well-known and distinguished financial institution with a rich heritage of more than 13 years in the financial matters sector, is participating in this session.