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HomeNewsSierra Leone pledges $500,000 in support of a new Africa Humanitarian Agency

Sierra Leone pledges $500,000 in support of a new Africa Humanitarian Agency

Amin Kef Sesay: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 31 May 2022:

President Julius Maada Bio has agreed to contribute $500,000 towards the cost of setting up an Africa Humanitarian Agency. He made this announcement at the opening session of the 16th Extraordinary Conference of the African Union Summit, which took place on the 27th May 2022 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

The summit discussed efforts made by African leaders to address the current humanitarian challenges facing the continent, following the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The leaders also discussed sustainable solutions to addressing those challenges, in order to promote post-conflict recovery, peace and development.

As a way of positioning Sierra Leone on the global stage, President Bio told the summit that Sierra Leone has established the National Disaster Management Agency to primarily deal with disasters of any sorts, adding that his government believes it should take care of the internally displaced and distressed persons affected by manmade and natural disasters.

“Sierra Leone fully supports the setting up of the Africa Humanitarian Agency, and Sierra Leone is pledging $500,000,” President Bio pledges.