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HomeNews“Sharjah Institute for Heritage” .. Participates in “Discount Book”

“Sharjah Institute for Heritage” .. Participates in “Discount Book”

Sharjah (WAM)

The Sharjah Institute for Heritage is currently participating in the Rabat International Book and Publishing Fair, including a rich cultural program that includes intellectual seminars attended by a group of Moroccan scholars and authors, and signatures and publications of the institute’s latest publications on Moroccan heritage. , in addition to the presence of more than 400 publications and titles in its pavilion. And the issues of my heritage magazines and what it issues.
Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Musallam, head of the institute, said: “We are eager to attend various book fairs because of their importance and special value to all lovers of speech, reading and knowledge. We have a package of activities, programs and events, reaffirming the strength of our relationship with our brothers in Morocco, in particular with regard to cultural and hereditary aspects, there are many common actions and complementarity in the work of protecting and preserving the heritage and passing it on to generations in the light of the zeal for the importance of To maintain cooperation, coordination and joint action with Moroccan institutions.
The pavilion of the Sharjah Institute for Heritage witnessed a series of scientific symposia and numerous signatures of new publications in various fields of cultural heritage by researchers who had their efforts and their role in protecting the heritage, its transmission to generations and its sustainability, amid a remarkable attendance. from visitors to the exhibition and the public who expressed their appreciation for the role and status of the institute and its efforts to preserve and safeguard the heritage, and its protection, praised its programs and events and its permanent presence at Arab and international level.
The exhibition will witness four seminars within the General Program of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture and within the framework of the Institute’s participation, the first entitled “Strengthening Cultural Relations between the Sharjah Institute for Heritage and Moroccan Cultural Institutions” and the second entitled “The Intangible Cultural Heritage in Fiji Oasis – Model as Customs, and the third entitled “The Sharjah Institute for Heritage from the Local to the Global.” As for the fourth, it is entitled “The role of the Sharjah Institute for Cultural Heritage in Disseminating Arab Heritage … Moroccan Heritage as a Model.”