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HomeNewsPopular and official delegations offer condolences on the death of Sheikh Khalifa...

Popular and official delegations offer condolences on the death of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed at the UAE Embassy in Damascus


The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Damascus continued to receive delegations of mourners on the death of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The duty of condolence was offered by the Minister of Awqaf, Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Sattar Al-Sayed, who headed a delegation of imams, preachers of mosques and clergymen, and the Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, Dr. Amr Salem, heading a delegation of commercial and economic activities.

A delegation of the sheikhs of the monotheistic Muslim sect, a number of tribal sheikhs, clan elders, popular delegations, businessmen, representatives of institutions, a number of members of the People’s Assembly, ambassadors and representatives of Arab and foreign diplomatic missions in Syria, and a delegation from the Russian Reconciliation Center also offered condolences.

The participants were received by the duty of condolences, Chargé d’Affairs of the UAE Embassy in Damascus, Abdul Hakim Al-Nuaimi, and a number of embassy diplomats.

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