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MyPowerHub: Revolutionizing School Communications and Engagement MyPowerHub from PowerSchool empowers parents with a ‘single pane of glass’ for all student...

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HomeNewsPakistan seeks financial assistance from KSA, UAE and Qatar

Pakistan seeks financial assistance from KSA, UAE and Qatar

Pakistan is seeking financial assistance from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to stabilise the economy and is hopeful for a positive result, revealed Finance Minister Miftah Ismail.

Speaking on *Geo News* programme *Jirga*, the finance minister announced that Pakistan had reached out to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE to help the cash-strapped country.

“Saudi Arabia, hopefully, will reload [deposit money in Pakistan’s central bank] before December,” the minister told *Jirga’s* host, “Also, the Kingdom may extend Pakistan’s limit to buy oil on credit.”

The government has also sought support from Qatar, the minister said. “We are talking to Qatar to let us buy Liquefied natural gas (LNG) on loan. We are also talking to the UAE [for financial assistance],” he added.