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HomeNewsNigeria’s Play-to-Earn Gaming Adoption to Hit 33% in 2022: See Top 25...

Nigeria’s Play-to-Earn Gaming Adoption to Hit 33% in 2022: See Top 25 Countries in NFT Gaming

Play-to-earn (P2E) gaming adoption in Nigeria could hit 33% this year, according to Finder’s NFT Gaming Adoption Report polled 43,312 people across 26 countries to reveal that 16% of Nigerian internet users have played-to-earn and an additional 17% are planning to do so. 

India has the most gamers (34%), followed by Hong Kong (29%), The United Arab Emirates (27%) and the Philippines (25%). 

Nigeria currently ranks 9th globally for P2E adoption but Finder’s cryptocurrency editor, Keegan Francis, says forecast adoption will move it up to 5th. 

“Nigeria is set to experience the biggest jump in P2E NFT gaming adoption of any country included in the study, followed by Peru (16%) and The Philippines (14%). 

“Globally adoption is set to increase from just 14% to 24%. While men are more likely to have played-to-earn, similar numbers of men and women are looking to get involved over the next 12 months.”

Francis said that gamers who can’t afford the entry cost to play might want to consider joining a guild.

“Guilds allow players, known as scholars, to play a game like Axie Infinity for free by lending you the required NFTs and you are then usually entitled to a share of the earnings while the remainder goes to the guild”.

NFT gaming adoption by country

  1. India – 33.79%
  2. Hong Kong – 28.75%
  3. The UAE – 27.27%
  4. The Philippines -25.01% 
  5. Vietnam – 22.96% 
  6. Singapore – 22.68% 
  7. Malaysia – 19.43% 
  8. Brazil – 17.55% 
  9. Nigeria – 16.05% 
  10. Venezuela – 14.11% 
  11. Peru – 13.15% 
  12. Colombia – 12.68% 
  13. Argentina – 12.06% 
  14. Chile – 11.36% 
  15. Ireland – 11.31% 
  16. Mexico – 11.11% 
  17. South Africa – 10.20% 
  18. The US – 9.37% 
  19. Canada – 8.38% 
  20. Switzerland – 8.37% 
  21. New Zealand – 8.19% 
  22. Spain – 8.05% 
  23. The UK – 7.55% 
  24. Germany – 7.40% 
  25. France – 5.75% 
  26. Sweden – 4.33%

You can view the full report here.