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Cameroon Boosts Energy Supply: NHPC Delivers 300 MW to Southern Power Grid!

Discover how the recently commissioned fifth unit of the Nachtigal hydropower plant, launched on December 23, enhances the Southern Interconnected System with an additional 60 MW, increasing its total generation capacity to 300 MW. Source: Africazine.
HomeNewsScania bus in biodiesel project using locally-sourced waste

Scania bus in biodiesel project using locally-sourced waste

Sweden / Côte d’Ivoire – A pilot bus running on biodiesel from waste was launched in the capital city of the Ivory Coast in November, as part of a longstanding collaboration between Scania AB of Södertälje, Sweden and local public and private partners. 

The pilot vehicle is a Marcopolo-bodied bus with a Scania chassis capable of running on biodiesel from locally-sourced waste, such as animal manure and other agricultural waste. Scania claims that running buses in the capital city Abidjan on biodiesel instead of fossil-derived diesel can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.