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HomeNewsNational Chief Imam visits Lema Press

National Chief Imam visits Lema Press

The National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, recently paid a visit to Lema Press, one of Ghana’s leading printing presses.

He was accompanied by other leading Muslims in the country. During his visit, he offered prayers for the continuous success and blessings of Lema Press.

Zina Dassa, the Managing Director of Lema Press, expressed his appreciation for the visit. In a sideline interview with Citi News, he underscored the company’s commitment to quality in the printing industry.

He explained that Lema Press over the years served its clientele with top-notch quality service, making it the best printing press in the country.

Zina Dassa emphasized the company’s continuous leverage on technology to meet the demands of clients while it upgrades to its cutting-edge printing machinery to demonstrate its dedication to quality.

“Lema Press, we can say we are the best in Ghana here in terms of quality. We do quality print, and we also have the best digital process, so when you bring your orders, you don’t even need to be here. You can sit at home, you send the orders digitally through digital media. The order is processed, and you have an order number. You see the order going through the process from editing, and printing to lamination till the order is ready. You can see it through our mobile application where you can trace your orders. You can also receive through your mobile notifications. That is really making the difference,” he said.

Having successfully established itself in Ghana, Lema Press is now looking to tap into new emerging markets in the printing industry in partnership with other companies.

Mr. Dassa says this will enable clients to make orders while it is delivered to them as the printing press looks to establish itself in the sub-region.

“I have been sitting here as manager since 2012, and actually we want to be a regional company,” he said. “That’s why I am saying that from 2024, we want to be a regional company sitting here, making sure that we print here and deliver into the whole sub-region. I won’t give many clues about that, but the most important thing is that we come into partnership with distributors, freight agencies like DHL, and others so that we can be sitting here doing orders for people—they place their orders online, and it goes to other countries.”

“Already, we work with other countries like Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Togo, Mali, but it’s just informal. People send their jobs, and then we send them finished works.”