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HomeNewsMusic and reading are double happiness in “Family Session” in Abu Dhabi...

Music and reading are double happiness in “Family Session” in Abu Dhabi Book

Abu Dhabi (Etihad)

The Literary Forum, at the Youth Theater at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, hosted a dialogue session led by Dr. Azza Hashem, a member of the forum, said: “I am honored to present to you in this session a dialogue with Dr. Nadia Al-Sheikh and Dr. George Haddad in the framework of Al-Multaqa Literary Salon’s participation in the activities at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2022, on the topic “Family and Culture”, where we host a selection of intellectual and cultural binaries, each session includes two prominent figures in thought and culture with whom we can discuss their experience in the field of literary creativity and the importance of dialogue and equality in the family.
Azza Hashem gave a glimpse of the march d. Nadia Al-Sheikh is the vice dean for culture and research affairs at New York University Abu Dhabi. She received her PhD from Harvard in History and Middle Eastern Studies and worked as a visiting professor at many universities around the world. Dr. Nadia participated in the editing of a number of specialized journals. As for Dr. George Haddad is a specialist in neurosurgery. He received his medical degree with honors from the American University of Beirut and then specialized in neurosurgery from Mc Gill University in Canada. He also plays an active role in important cultural areas such as the Al Bustan Festival and lectures on classical music, international art and literature.
said Dr. Nadia Al-Sheikh that the love of knowledge begins with choosing a partner, and I chose George over the types of knowledge, including the love of reading and music, in addition to his subjects and his love of medicine and science, and in our lives there is a broad area of ​​freedom, and it is an important element of married life until ideas develop between us in dialogue and a constant discussion, and that is what makes life continue with the love that began between us. While focusing on Dr. George in his speech on the importance of listening to the other and said that this leads to success in marriage and the continuation of love and understanding between the spouses, in addition to reading and the love of knowledge we both have and these common factors make life more beautiful. Dr. confirmed. George stressed that the physician should listen carefully to the patient to know how to treat him, pointing out that the world is always in a constant search for truth and science, and it is in constant progress. In terms of literature, philosophy and imagination, this is a continuous procession with man and his constant search, showing his learning steps and his love of music, while always listening to “Bach” music, and in his library there are 3000 cassettes with classical music, including thousands of “Bach” works, emphasizing that music and reading are among the most important things that refine the soul and the soul.