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HomeNewsLevidian signs UK clean technology £ 700m for CO2e extraction in the...

Levidian signs UK clean technology £ 700m for CO2e extraction in the UAE

Cleantech Levidian has signed a £ 700m export contract with Zero Carbon Ventures for its LOOP devices to be used in the UAE to cut half a million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

This measure will deploy Levidian LOOP devices over 500 sites in the UAE over the next decade in oil and gas companies and government agencies. The first one will be located on a site in Abu Dhabi.

It will create 100 new jobs in Cambridge where the company is headquartered and its LOOP devices.

Levidian’s LOOP devices use a patented process to split methane into its components, hydrogen and carbon, without catalysts or additives.

The carbon is then locked into graphene and the hydrogen can be used as a blend or stored in separated form.

The National Grid is testing Levidian technology in the UK.

“LOOP is at its most powerful in decarbonising waste gases to generate hydrogen and graphene. Methane is the most powerful greenhouse gas and Levidian’s mission is to turn this gas into a powerful tool for decarbonisation. We look forward to seeing the network of Zero Carbon LOOPs grow in the coming years, ”said John Hartley, CEO, Levidian.

LOOPs are named after the approximate annual amount of CO2e reduction potential. For example, the LOOP50 can extract 50 tonnes of CO2e per year. Levidian is currently working on LOOP1000 +.

LOOPs can be set up in shipping containers or as a permanent infrastructure.

Zero Carbon Ventures is a new business that aims to launch carbon reduction technology to the Middle East.

“I have no doubt that LOOP devices that convert Levidian games will do just that, producing high quality green hydrogen and graphene, here in the UAE. Both products will have a positive impact on many industrial processes, ”said Martin Reynolds, CEO, Zero Carbon Ventures.

Levidian signs UK clean technology £ 700m for CO2e extraction in the UAE

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