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HomeNewsKenya Tightens Avocado Quality Control as Global Demand Rises

Kenya Tightens Avocado Quality Control as Global Demand Rises

Kenya’s Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) has reviewed the country’s avocado maturity indices and post-harvest handling process to safeguard the export market as global demand for the fruit surges.

Kenya will now only export fruits that have a minimum of 24 per cent dry matter, Benjamin Tito, director of Horticulture Crops Directorate at the AFA, said in a statement.

“This is meant to improve fruit quality aspects in line with global market requirements, safeguard and enhance Kenya’s competitiveness in the export arena,” Benjamin Tito.


Kenya is a major avocado exporter but has faced many complaints in the past over the quality of fruits exported to the European Union and the United Arab Emirates, because farmers harvested and exported immature fruits, particularly during the offseason. As a result, AFA initially banned avocado export during the period.

In 2021, Kenya earned 14.48 billion shillings (about 124 million U.S. dollars) from avocados, a figure expected to rise to 155 million dollars this year, according to the AFA.