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HomeNewsKenya Signs 7 Cooperation Agreements with Sierra Leone to Enhance Trade

Kenya Signs 7 Cooperation Agreements with Sierra Leone to Enhance Trade

Kenya has signed seven bilateral agreements with Sierra Leone aimed at enhancing relations between the two countries.

One of the agreements is on the establishment of a joint commission for cooperation, while the six others are Memoranda of Understanding on political and diplomatic consultations, trade and investment, cooperation in wildlife tourism, gender equality and women empowerment, agriculture, and arts and youth affairs.

The agreements were signed during a bilateral meeting between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Sierra Leone counterpart Julius Maada Bio at State House Nairobi on Monday morning.


During the meeting, President Kenyatta said the two countries need to strengthen relations for their full potential to be harnessed and used for the benefit of both countries.

The Sierra Leonean leader used the opportunity to thank Kenya for its contribution to his country’s peace.

“I am particularly pleased, to be able to travel to Kenya and formally say ‘thank you’ to the commanders, officers, men and women of KENBATT contingents deployed to Sierra Leone,” Julius Maada Bio as quoted by the East African.

Prof David Francis, the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the West African Country said his country hopes to benefit from Kenya’s economic strength.

“Kenya is an economic powerhouse in the East African region and as such, Sierra Leone can benefit from it in the field of trade, investment and other sectors,” Prof David Francis.

Read also; Kenya & Zimbabwe Sign 7 Bilateral Agreements to Boost Investments.