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HomeNewsInternational Union of Public Transport (UITP) in Istanbul

International Union of Public Transport (UITP) in Istanbul

International Union of Public Transport (UITP) in Istanbul
International Union of Public Transport (UITP) in Istanbul

The International Union of Public Transport (UITP), which is the largest non-governmental organization in the field of public transportation in the world and whose history dates back to 1885, organized an international training program hosted by IETT.

The International Union of Public Transport (UITP), which consists of public transportation operators, local and national regulatory authorities, industry organizations, research centers, academics and consultants from more than 100 countries and has more than 1900 members, hosted public transportation services in Istanbul by IETT. organized training and diploma programs for managers.

In the trainings, which were attended by leading figures of public transportation institutions from 15 different countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, England, Sweden, Norway and Ivory Coast, different topics such as public transportation systems in the world, new developments and technologies in the transportation sector were discussed by many different trainers.

İETT General Manager İrfan Demet personally accompanied the event, which was attended by many managers from IETT. IETT General Manager İrfan Demet, who made a detailed presentation to the participants, also introduced IETT’s Metrobus Fleet Control Center to the participants. It also introduced the bus that IETT converted from diesel to fully electric, a first in Istanbul, and the 25-meter-long, double-articulated, 280-passenger-capacity metrobus vehicle newly introduced to Istanbul, and offered the participants the opportunity to experience it.

The first module of the training will be held in Istanbul on 25-27 September 2023, the second will be held in Spain in November, and the third will be held in Germany at the beginning of 2024.

📩 28/09/2023 15:32