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HomeNewsHannah Foullah nominated among seven inspirational women in Sierra Leone

Hannah Foullah nominated among seven inspirational women in Sierra Leone

By Hassan Gbassay Koroma 

In celebration of the British Queen 70th birthday, the British High Commission in Sierra Leone, nominated Hannah Foullah as one of the seven inspirational women in Sierra Leone. 

Hannah Foullah  is Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing, Ecobank Sierra Leone. She is a professional and celebrated broadcast journalist who has over the years contributed immensely to the journalism profession in the country.

Foullah on Thursday April 14, 2022, received a mail from the British High Commission in Freetown, informing her about her nomination 

Her Majesty’s exemplary 70 years of public service gives them a chance to reflect on and celebrate the role of women in public life of both our countries.

“To highlight the achievement of Sierra Leonean women alongside our celebrations of Queen Elizabeth seven decades of service, we wanted to recognise the achievements of 7 inspirational women to represent these seven decades. We asked colleagues across the British High Commission and partners to nominate candidates,” the mail stated.

According to the High Commission, they had a huge volume of nominations and after careful consideration of all their candidates, they were delighted to let Foullah  knows  that she has been chosen as one of  those inspirational women.

“We would also like to recognise your contribution at the Queen’s Birthday Party on 21st April to which you should have received an invite already,” they Said.

Meanwhile, Ecobank Sierra Leone celebrated and congratulated Hannah Foullah on her nomination as one of seven (7) inspirational women in Sierra Leone by the British High Commission.