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HomeNewsGRA discusses trade matters with Malian counterparts

GRA discusses trade matters with Malian counterparts

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The Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority and his senior management on Wednesday welcomed the director of Mali’s Customs Port of Dakar and delegation to The Gambia.

Director Salif Kone and his deputy, Abdou Karim Sissoko, were at the GRA to discuss trade and customs-related matters. The two parties discussed intensively in the areas of building strong bilateral relations between the two countries. The Malian delegation also suggested that the two countries sign MoUs in the areas of trade, customs, and integration.

A delighted Commissioner General, Yankuba Darboe, welcomed the delegation and thanked them for their visit. He highlighted the significance of Mali as a trading partner and assured the delegation that The Gambia will do everything it takes to facilitate trade with Mali.

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“We are committed to working closely with Mali and all African countries in the interest of facilitating trade and all integration-related matters, especially as it relates to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, which will create the largest free trade area in the world as measured by the number of countries participating,” CG Darboe said.

The head of the Malian delegation, Salif Kone, thanked Commissioner General Darboe for his leadership qualities, particularly in the facilitation of petroleum transit to Mali.

“We proposed that we sign some MoUs that will facilitate trade and movement between The Gambia and Mali, just like we did with Senegal, Ghana, Togo, and Cote d’Ivoire,” Kone appealed.