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HomeNewsGhana ranked 7th African country where private wealth is most distributed

Ghana ranked 7th African country where private wealth is most distributed

According to the report, the private sector currently controls about $2.1 trillion worth of Africa’s total wealth.

The report focuses on how Africa’s $2.1 trillion private sector wealth is actually distributed among ordinary Africans.

As you may already know, GDP per capita is all about national income divided by the total population.

Investopedia defines it as “a measure of the amount of money earned per person in a nation or geographic region,” and says it can be “used to determine the average per-person income for an area and to evaluate the standard of living and quality of life of the population.”

Wealth per capita on the other hand, though not different from GDP per capita, focuses more on how a country’s private sector wealth is distributed. This is especially so since the African Wealth Report specifically excludes government funds from its ranking.

Below are the 10 African countries where wealth is most distributed.

  • Mauritius: The wealth per capita in this country is $34,500, the largest in Africa. Interestingly, the total private wealth in Mauritius is $44 billion, the least among the top ten in Africa.
  • South Africa: This country has a wealth per capita of $10,970. South Africa also has Africa’s largest private wealth at a staggering $651 billion.
  • Namibia: Namibia’s wealth per capita is $9,320. Interestingly, the country is not among the top ten in Africa with the largest private wealth. Instead, it ranks at number 13, with a total private sector wealth of $24 billion.
  • Botswana: This country has a wealth per capita of $7,880. And much like Namibia, it is not among the top ten African countries with the largest private wealth. Instead, its private sector wealth stands at $19 billion.
  • Morocco: Morocco’s wealth per capita is $3,380. Interestingly, the country has Africa’s fourth largest private sector wealth totaling $125 billion.
  • Egypt: Egypt’s wealth per is $3,000. Meanwhile, the North African country has a total private wealth of $307 billion.
  • Ghana: This West African country has a wealth per capita of $1,890. And the total private wealth is registered $59 billion.
  • Kenya: Kenya’s wealth per capita is $1,700 and its total private wealth is registered $91 billion.
  • Angola: This country’s wealth per capita is $1,620. Meanwhile, its total private wealth is $53 billion.
  • Ivory Coast: Lastly, this West African country has a wealth per capita of $1,610. Meanwhile, its total private wealth is $43 billion.