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HomeNewsECOWAS Trade Network Re-elects Nigeria’s Yakusak Ezra as President

ECOWAS Trade Network Re-elects Nigeria’s Yakusak Ezra as President

By Adedapo Adesanya

The Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), Mr Yakusak Ezra, has been re-elected as the President of ECOWAS Trade Promotion Organisations (TPOs) Network in Accra, Ghana.

With the election, Mr Ezra is to serve another one-year tenure and will lead 15 other member ECOWAS countries in driving trade within the sub-region.

A statement signed by Mr Ndubueze Okeke, Head, Corporate Communications of NEPC said Mr Ezra’s re-election was also in line with Article 11 of the ECOWAS TPO Network.

“The ECOWAS Trade Promotion Organization is a network of all Trade Promotion Organizations in West Africa established by the decisions of the Council of Ministers at the Ordinary Session.

”Nigeria became the pioneer president in April 2021. Dr Ezra became the president following the expiration of the tenure of Mr Awolowo as ED/CEO of NEPC.

”The re-election of Dr Ezra was at the end of 2nd Annual General Meeting of the Network held at Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana from 19th – 20th May 2022.

”He was re-elected along with the vice president, Mr Ben Guy Mbangue from Cote’ D’Ivoire.

“The duo constitute the Executive Bureau of the Network and the tenure expires after one year. All members present unanimously re-elected the President and Vice President respectively,” the statement said.

ECOWAS TPO Network is a public-sector led entity and will work in partnership with the ECOWAS commission to drive inclusive trade development initiatives within West Africa and beyond.

The body is part of steps towards building mutual trust and cooperation without borders within the ECOWAS region. As of today, intra-Africa exports only account for about 16 per cent of Africa’s global export, and more specifically intra-ECOWAS trade only accounts for a tenth of ECOWAS countries’ global trade.