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HomeNewsDubai Police slashes emergency response time

Dubai Police slashes emergency response time

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 2:49pm

By ARN News Staff

Dubai Police

The Dubai Police recorded an emergency response time of 2 minutes 39 seconds in the first three months of 2022, down from 2 minutes 47 seconds during the same period last year.

It’s also well within their target time of six minutes.

Meanwhile, their response time for non-emergencies was 2 minutes 47 seconds, again well within their target time of six minutes.

The Dubai Police Command and Control Centre also revealed the 999 emergency hotline received 1,686,488 calls, compared to 1,101,051 calls during the same period last year, of which 99.57 per cent were answered within 10 seconds.

The 901 call centre handled 139,835 calls with 90 per cent answered within 20 seconds. This compared to 130,363 calls answered within 20 seconds during the first quarter of 2021.

Dubai Police Command and Control Centre has urged the public to understand the difference between the emergency and non-emergency lines and to be more mindful of which number they should be calling.