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HomeNewsChoosing Nigeria was tough for me- Lookman

Choosing Nigeria was tough for me- Lookman

Ademola Lookman has admitted his choice of playing for the Super Eagles was a difficult one to make.
Lookman, also eligible to represent the Three Lions played for England at youth level but settled to play for his fatherland at the senior level.
The winger said he has a strong connection with Nigeria through his parents but making the decision to represent the Super Eagles didn’t come easy.
“It was a tough decision. A decision I had to make because obviously it was my country’s call. My parents are Nigerians and I came to Nigeria a lot of times growing up and Nigeria wasn’t new to me. Being around the coach, players and people wasn’t strange.
“Making decisions wasn’t a tough decision in terms of knowing where I was going. Coming into the team, the squad has been great and everyone has been very receptive and welcoming. I love this group and the people,” he told Completesports.
Nigeria will face Sierra Leone today in Abuja hoping to banish the memories of their disappointing outing against the Black Stars about three months ago.
“Like I said earlier, we want to win this game and the next. The weather is okay and we have to make amends by winning Sierra Leone here first, then off to Morocco for next game [vs Sao Tome & Principe]” he said.




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