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HomeNewsChinese foreign minister to visit Jamaica Loop Jamaica

Chinese foreign minister to visit Jamaica Loop Jamaica

The Government of Jamaica will later this month welcome to the island His Excellency Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China. 
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Kamina Johnson Smith who announced the trip, says that during the visit, Minister Wang Yi will meet with key government officials to discuss a range of topics aimed at strengthening bilateral relations.
The agenda will feature discussions on economic cooperation, cultural exchange programmes, potential infrastructure projects and grant aid.
“The visit to Jamaica not only represents a recognition of our countries’ strong diplomatic relations, but also an opportunity to explore new avenues for cooperation in various fields including trade, investment, infrastructure and cultural exchange”, said Johnson Smith.
Minister Wang Yi will visit the island on January 20 as part of his diplomatic tour which includes Egypt, Tunisia, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire and Brazil.