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MyPowerHub: Revolutionizing School Communications and Engagement MyPowerHub from PowerSchool empowers parents with a ‘single pane of glass’ for all student...

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HomeNewsChina’s Foreign Minister set to visit Jamaica

China’s Foreign Minister set to visit Jamaica

The Government of Jamaica is set to welcome the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi, later this month.

This visit marks a significant step in fostering stronger bilateral relations between the two nations.

Senator Kamina Johnson Smith, Jamaica’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, has outlined a comprehensive agenda for Minister Wang’s visit.

The discussions are expected to cover a broad spectrum of topics, all aimed at enhancing cooperation between Jamaica and China.

Key areas of focus will include economic collaboration, cultural exchange initiatives, exploration of potential infrastructure projects, and discussions on Grant Aid.

The visit of Minister Wang to Jamaica on January 20 is part of his broader diplomatic tour, which encompasses visits to several other countries including Egypt, Tunisia, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, and Brazil.

See also

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