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HomeNewsCall for bids to host the 3rd edition of the International Symposium...

Call for bids to host the 3rd edition of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research

The ICCO Secretariat is pleased to announce the relaunching of the process for the selection of the host country for the 3rd edition of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR), to take place during the last quarter of 2025 or the first quarter of 2026.

The International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR), organised jointly by the ICCO and the host country, is a 4-day event during which cocoa scientists from different academic disciplines exchange their latest findings and agree on priorities for collective actions.

The Symposium offers host country institutions a unique opportunity to become a reference in cocoa research and to interact with cocoa industry leaders and high-level speakers, who will present their most recent studies and point the way forward for the cocoa sector.

The International Symposium on Cocoa Research is becoming a well-established event in the sector. The last edition held in Montpellier, France, jointly organized with CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), has attracted relevant sponsors and over 500 participants, not only from the scientific community, but also from the entire cocoa value chain, making it a must-attend event for anyone concerned with the future of cocoa.

In view of the above, we invite all countries, ICCO Members and non-Members, wishing to host the next ISCR to consult the Terms of Reference on our website and to submit their candidatures before December 29, 2023.

For further information or enquiries about bidding for the 3rd International Symposium on Cocoa Research, please contact Mr José Jiménez Puerta, Economist, International Cocoa Organization; tel: +225 27 22 51 49 60; email:

About ICCO

The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) is an inter-governmental organization established in 1973 under the auspices of the United Nations and operating within the framework of successive International Cocoa Agreements. The ICCO is headquartered in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

The Organization comprises 52 Member countries, of which 23 are cocoa exporting countries and 29 are cocoa importing countries. These Member countries together represent 86% of world cocoa exports and 76% of world cocoa imports.

The ICCO seeks to promote and support the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the cocoa value chain, and in particular to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers. The Organization acts as a center for knowledge and innovation in the world cocoa economy; as a platform for institutional cooperation to foster dialogue among its Member countries and between key stakeholders in the cocoa value chain; and as a source of technical assistance for its Member countries.

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