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HomeNewsC4C MP: Kono is the darkest city in Sierra Leone

C4C MP: Kono is the darkest city in Sierra Leone

By Jariatu S Bangura

As the debate on the 2022 Presidential Speech continues, Member of Parliament for Constituency 27, Kono District, Hon. Francis Saa Bhendu, has described Kono as one of the darkest cities in the country.

According to the lawmaker, workers at the power house always claimed that there was no fuel to supply power to citizens of Kono, but that “whenever there is a visit of higher profile in governance, you will see light 24 hours. There is need for authorities to look into it”.

He said they have a very good generator and that it was highly possible that government was supplying fuel to the district power house, but that the workers were mismanaging.

 He urged the need for proper monitoring to enable the people of Kono enjoy what the government was providing for them.

Hon. Bhendu said the C4C MPs is one of the smallest political parties as against two big political parties in parliament, thus they needed the opposition to allow the opposition to make things right and do the needful.

He raised concern about the institutions selected by the Bank of Sierra Leone to distribute the Le500 billion Special Credit Facility for the importation of essential commodities in the country.

He cited BRAC as one of the institutions, a micro credit institution that supports women with loans  with interest rate of  about 20 to 25%, stating that they were finding it difficult to understand as to what might have warranted Bank of Sierra Leone to choose BRAC.

He said there were other institutions that received those funds that were not fit to have been selected because they will work in the best interest of the people.

He said the contract awarded for road works was of no benefit to his people in Kono because the contractors were doing the work during the raining season and that such should be corrected.