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HomeNewsBreakfast session: High level Panel on mobilizing Climate Finance Investments

Breakfast session: High level Panel on mobilizing Climate Finance Investments

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, October 24, 2023 – As part of the Global Green Growth Week 2023 activities, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted a high-level panel on strengthening the capacity of public decision-makers to mobilize climate finance investments. The event brought together participants from government, the private sector, and development partners. The key elements highlighted include the significance of climate finance for ecological transition and sustainable development at the national and local levels, GGGI’s role in mobilizing innovative climate financing mechanisms, facilities, and i practical examples climate finance mobilization in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

The event featured presentations from GGGI, focusing on the organization’s s roles as a trusted advisor, green investment service provider, and technical assistance provider. GGGI’s 2030 Strategy, climate finance funds, and specific mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund were also discussed. “GGG

I have received many requests from the Government to bolster the capacities of key decision makers in accessing climate finance resources, which are often complex and unfamiliar,” Olola Vieyra, GGGI’s Country Representative in Côte d’Ivoire said.

A panel discussion followed, involving representatives from various organizations. The collaboration areas identified include supporting local communities, integrating climate change into priority investment projects (PIPs), promoting digital technology in green entrepreneurship, and enhancing coordination among stakeholders and technical and financial partners (TFPs). “GGGI should support the Ministry of Environment through enhancing the coordination of climate action among government stakeholders and technical and financial partners,” Mr. Yao Marcel, GCF Focal Point for Cote d’Ivoire said. As a next step, GGGI plans to develop a roadmap based on the needs identified.