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MyPowerHub: Revolutionizing School Communications and Engagement MyPowerHub from PowerSchool empowers parents with a ‘single pane of glass’ for all student...

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HomeNewsAndy Carroll’s three-in-a bed Dubai girl reveals what really happened and begs...

Andy Carroll’s three-in-a bed Dubai girl reveals what really happened and begs fiancée Billi Mucklow for forgiveness

A WOMAN who ended up “three-in-a-bed” with Andy Carroll on his stag do revealed last night he was “too smashed to score”. Taylor Jane Wilkey, 27, said the goal-shy ex­-Newcastle star, 33, had been on a 17-hour booze bender before she and a pal joined him in his hotel suite in Dubai.

She said: “He was honestly in no state to do anything.” She added: “I’m so sorry for all this mess — but I did nothing wrong.”   “Massively embarrassed” Taylor told The Sun she feels terrible for passing out in his hotel bed with a friend after a 17-hour booze marathon.

At one point in the day ex-­England football star Andy was surrounded by party girls and danced with a ripped pair of Calvin Klein boxers on his head.