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HomeNewsAbu Dhabi’s thriving Ecosystem as a launch pad to the MENA region

Abu Dhabi’s thriving Ecosystem as a launch pad to the MENA region

Evènements  •  Webinar

Le 14/04/2022

ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market) and Bpifrance are pleased to invite you to join our Webinar


THURSDAY 21 April 2022

(11 to 12:00 am Paris Time or 1 to 2 :00 pm Abu Dhabi Time)

The webinar is initiated by ADGM and Bpifrance, building on their agreement last year, with the kind participation of ADIO, Hub 71 and Mubadala Ventures as guest speakers.

Speakers will introduce their organizations, explain their activities in tech, investment and Internationally, and provide some guidance about the laws and regulations that govern it, for a broad overview of the AD tech and innovation ecosystem.


 For more information on this Webinar and to register: Register now!