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Abdulla Shahid “UAE emerged as a regional economic powerhouse under Sheikh Khalifa’s visionary leadership”

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a regional economic powerhouse under the visionary leadership of the late President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, says Abdulla Shahid, President of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The PGA made these remarks at the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly on May 20, where members gathered to pay tribute to the memory of Sheikh Khalifa.

As such, the PGA stated that under the visionary leadership of the late UAE President, the middle-eastern nation has emerged as a regional economic powerhouse, a global player and the first Arab nation to send a mission to Mars.  

During his remarks, the PGA who also serves as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Maldives, conveyed deepest condolences to the family of the late UAE President, as well as the government and people of UAE on behalf of the General Assembly.

He went on to note that the UAE has progressed into an aviation, finance, education, renewable energy, technology, culture and tourism hub with the strategic foresight and political wisdom of the late UAE President, perfected by a healthy ambition and genuine desire to achieve socio-economic progress.

Shedding light that part of the late President’s visionary approach to governance also included paving way for world class education and training opportunities for all Emiratis, as well as enabling women to play their role in serving society side by side with their male compatriots in every area of national assignment.

While we talk about the social contract in the Our Common Agenda report, Sheikh Khalifa understood implicitly the importance of the social contract between the ruling family and the people, and sought always to find ways of honoring and developing it. The Khalifa Housing Fund is a fine example of this social contract which provided affordable financing to meet the demand for housing.”

Abdulla Shahid, PGA.

Highlighting that Sheikh Khalifa was a strong advocate for the primacy of diplomacy and dialogue, for maintaining peace and stability in the region as well as for promoting multilateralism and global solidarity to address complex issues, the PGA noted that Sheikh Khalifa also embraced the tenets of sustainable development to build a modern, vibrant nation, guided by his late father, His Highness Sheikh Zayed. 

PGA Shahid also stated that Sheikh Khalifa believed in empowering women through increased participation in decision-making and ensured gender parity in high-ranking government positions.

With this being said, the PGA highlighted that the UAE has the highest level of women participating in the workforce – at 57.5 percent in 2020 – of any country in the MENA region, according to the World Bank.