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HomeNewsA tour of the Abu Dhabi Book Fair

A tour of the Abu Dhabi Book Fair

A tour of the Abu Dhabi Book Fair

Usually, the interest in culture shows the degree of development of nations and their ability to rise and progress, let alone the interest in and encouragement of books, printing and writing, and the creation of major exhibitions that open the way for authors and publishers to present their valuable publications and books. is exactly what happens in Abu Dhabi where there is great interest in book fairs held every year and here I am talking about several exhibitions like Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, Sharjah International Book Fair, Big Bad Wolf Fair in Dubai and others exhibitions such as the Used Book Fair in Dubai, the Emirati Book Fair and the Dubai Read Initiative.

In the field of cultural awards, there is nothing wrong with advanced awards that have achieved an unsurpassed Arab and international reputation, the most important of which are the Sheikh Zayed Book Award, the Sharjah Award for Arabic Creativity, the Dubai Cultural Award, the International Award for Arabic Fiction and many others. awards and cultural initiatives that this article will not be enough to mention. All of this indicates the position of the UAE and its major role in spreading culture and strengthening the position of authors inside and outside the country.

This year, the Abu Dhabi Book Fair achieved a large turnout, with the participation of 1130 publishers from 80 countries, and it includes 450 events, and a broad turnout of academics, thinkers and writers as well as a large audience turnout. A great literary value, to discuss in a lecture the reality of Arabic poetry, specifically the poem and its relationship to international poems and the connection of love with poetry, as well as a group of Arab intellectuals and writers in an exhibition that came directly after a pandemic that paralyzed cultural movement as well as other fields, to confirm that people, that meeting and communication are part of our nature, which can not be. read and learn about the other’s potential.

For the second year in a row, Germany is participating as an honorary guest in the Abu Dhabi exhibition to confirm that the exhibition has transcended the Arab space to truly be a global exhibition in which publishers from several countries participate. Only in the book, translations have allowed to convey the culture of countries and peoples, and thus we have reached the most important literature, and recently it has become one of the conditions of the proliferation of the author to translate his works to pass them on to the recipients from different countries.

What is remarkable about this year’s exhibition is the participation in anecdotal books and literature, so one of these books went on sale for more than 11 million dirhams, a book dating back to the mid-16th century and containing pictures of rare bird species, as well as ancient and valuable manuscripts.

The most significant event in the exhibition is the Sheikh Zayed Book Award, which confirms that culture has no boundaries. More than 3,000 authors from 55 countries participated in this international award.

It is sufficient to know that the participants are from 20 Arab countries and 35 abroad, to return to the great importance of cross-border culture and language. Books have become available in all languages ​​and there is no way to limit the prevalence of values ​​from them to all countries of the world. Another notable topic during this year’s fair is the demand for printed books in an era where the talk is about the end of the printing era, especially as electronic platforms have become available in abundance and easy to trade, so there is no need to search for a printed book at libraries, it is enough to shop from any e-book store to find You wanted, but the debate is still present, which one do you prefer, the printed book or the electronic one, and will we ever give up publications?

* Emirati author