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HomeNews8.3 billion dirhams, net foreign investment in the “Abu Dhabi market”

8.3 billion dirhams, net foreign investment in the “Abu Dhabi market”

Abu Dhabi (Etihad)

The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange recorded an increase in trading activity (buying and selling) in the first quarter of the year by 83% to 170 billion dirhams compared to 93 billion dirhams in the same period in 2021, while foreign net investment stabilized at 8.3 billion dirhams, according to data , which was See it during a promotional campaign organized by the London market recently.
The market value of shares owned by foreign investors increased from 50 billion dirhams in the first quarter of 2021 to 131 billion dirhams in the first quarter of 2022, an increase of 163%, with the remarkable contribution of the 25 largest asset managers and mutual funds in the world. The campaign aimed to attract more foreign investment with the participation of a delegation consisting of market representatives in addition to 25 members of senior executives from nine of its listed companies.
During this event, which lasted for two consecutive days, the market delegation held 204 investor meetings through 47 individual meetings and 37 meetings for 89 institutional investors.

International investor confidence
Saeed Hamad Al Dhaheri, CEO and CEO of the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, said: “The success of our experience at this international event and the remarkable attendance we witnessed, along with the size of the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange delegation, “participating is a strong testament to the level of confidence of international investors and large investment firms in Abu Dhabi. Generally as a central investment destination and the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange as a leading regional financial center attracting large investors and major international investment firms.”