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HomeNews60% waste treatment at Dubai Airport by mid-2023

60% waste treatment at Dubai Airport by mid-2023

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Dubai Airports has announced the launch of a new waste management initiative, which will be an important step towards achieving its goal of treating and recycling 60% of waste at Dubai Airport.

in mid-2023 on the occasion of World Environment Day.

As part of the initiative, Dubai Airports has developed and implemented a well-researched food waste treatment plan, which aims to collect more than 2,000 tonnes of food waste and turn it into organic fertilizer annually through food and beverage establishments, lounges and hotels across all. regions.The passenger terminals and halls of Dubai International Airport (DXB), where the decomposition of food waste at landfills increases methane emissions, which are 72 times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide.

An innovative food waste management plan was developed in collaboration with Bee’ah, a pioneer in the sustainability sector, based in Sharjah, by developing an integrated organic composting system based on advanced technological technology and installing it in several locations spread across Dubai International Airport helping to increase the decomposition rate of food waste significantly, making it recyclable compost as well as clean wastewater.

A waste diversion strategy has also been developed at Dubai Airport, and a flexible system for its management has been developed, with the aim of reducing the consequences of the economic, environmental and social impacts of methods of treatment and recycling of all types of waste. has so far achieved tangible results by reducing the waste percentage by 40%, including a special initiative by collecting 100% of all cooking oils used in the airport’s food and beverage outlets and converting them to biodiesel.

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Jamal Zaal, Vice President of Safety and Sustainability at Dubai Airports, said: “Collection and diversion of all types of waste from landfills is a fundamental pillar of our approved waste management program.

Although the share of waste generated from airport operations is relatively small compared to the total waste production at Dubai International Airport, we work closely with our relevant partners, including airlines, food and beverage stores and many others, to introduce a comprehensive system that will standardize the entire effort is aimed at achieving our goal of reducing waste by 60%. ”

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Rafael Sanjurgo Lopez, CEO of Bee’ah’s Tanfeed Company, said: “Bee’ah is committed to strengthening its strategic partnership with Dubai Airports by launching a set of innovative initiatives and programs to collect and treat all types of waste and benefit of them in a convenient and safe way.

The introduction of Power Knot technology across all terminals and concourses at Dubai International Airport is a major boost and an important step towards applying innovation and on the right path to achieving the goal of reducing food waste and reducing waste. ”

World Environment Day is one of the largest international events related to the environment, and is celebrated by millions of people around the world. The celebration of this day has been held annually since 1974, led by the United Nations Environment Program, to become the largest global platform for environmental communication.

Sweden is hosting this year’s World Environment Day under the slogan “We only have one country”, which highlights the need to live sustainably in harmony with nature by creating positive change.
