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HomeNewsThe first dog café in Dubai

The first dog café in Dubai

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The first dog café was opened in Dubai and it was called Happy Bark Day. The dogs in the café enjoy a high degree of hospitality and service, offering them various food, drinks, sweets and cakes specially prepared to satisfy their tastes.

The catering staff of the café perform their duties in the best possible way, with one of them welcoming guests at the entrance of the café, in an effort to provide a high level of service that satisfies his customers of dogs of all ages and types.

Happy Park Day Café shares its various happy occasions with its guests, and celebrates it as well. The dog, Blanca, recently celebrated her birthday, the day before yesterday, and all her dog friends attended the celebration, and he participated, among other things. this party, which was held in «Happy Park Day» Happy Park Day »all the workers there as they rejoiced and played during the celebration.

Happy Park Day is one of the few “cafes” in the area that caters exclusively to dogs, with a menu full of healthy meals designed by founder Kenseok Ko.
